Friesland College Heerenveen (NL)

friesland college lockers

Een nieuwe opdracht én dit keer een bij LoQit in de achtertuin. In samenwerking met Sonesto hebben we 115 lockers met elektronisch sluitsysteem van LoQit geleverd aan het Friesland College in Heerenveen.  Locker Management Systeem voor beheerders Digitale app voor gebruikers om lockers te reserveren Te bedienen met RFID kaartlezer, pincode, vingerafdruk of met de […]

Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences – location Blaak 555


In 2022, LoQit and Sonesto won the tender for the installation of smart lockers at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The Blaak location was the first project within the tender – 40 lockers with an electronic locking system were installed there.

Advantages of dynamic locker use in healthcare

lockers zorg

With LoQit's electronic locker system you provide your staff with a user-friendly and safe place to store personal items. Your employees no longer have to worry about their belongings and can fully concentrate on what is really important: their work as a healthcare professional.

the local authority of Soest

personeelslockers loqit

For the local authority of Soest, LoQit has equipped the personnel lockers with an electronic locking system. From now on, staff can safely and easily store their belongings in the electronic lockers.

Asset management for lockers

asset management voor lockers

De uitgifte van benodigdheden voor medewerkers, klanten of bezoekers wilt u uiteraard zo efficiënt mogelijk regelen. Toch gebeurt dit nog vaak met de hand – en dat kost veel tijd. Door het inzetten van lockers als uitgiftepunt is het heel eenvoudig om ‘assets’ beschikbaar te stellen.

ROC Nijmegen (NL)

roc nijmegen lockers

For the location on the Heyendaalseweg of the ROC Nijmegen, LoQit was able to provide the school with 180 smart lockers. In collaboration with Oostwoud Franeker.

Four ways smart lockers will transform your business

smart lockers bedrijf transformeren

Electronic lockers have become a must in smart work environments. Especially now that we are moving to more flexible working models such as hybrid working and flexible working. With LoQit's smart locking system you can continue to offer your employees a safe place to store personal items. An efficient and cost-effective solution that will transform your organization into a smart working environment.

The advantages of a wired electronic locking system

voordelen bekabeld elektronisch sluitsysteem

Employees, students and/or other visitors all want to be able to store their belongings safely. As an administrator, you want this to be as little work as possible. No time-consuming matters with lost keys or lockers that do not function because the battery is empty. A wired electronic locking system such as LoQit is the perfect solution for all these matters.

Veurs Voorburg (NL)

project voorburg elektronische lockers

Veurs Voorburg is een vmbo-school met ongeveer 370 leerlingen en 55 medewerkers. Leerlingen kunnen een basis, kader en gtl opleiding volgen, met en zonder leerwegondersteuning. Sinds augustus 2022 is de school gevestigd in een schitterende nieuwbouw aan de Delflandlaan in Voorburg. Een duurzaam gebouw met een binnenklimaat die aan hoge eisen voldoet op het gebied […]

Why upgrade to electronic lockers?

upgraden elektronische lockers

Does your organization still use traditional lockers with a key? Then now is the time to upgrade to an electronic locker system. It is a sustainable investment that will last for years and save costs in the long run. In addition, it offers many more advantages, which we would like to tell you more about.
