Esdal College

LoQit recently completed an impressive project for Esdal College. The project involved the implementation of 535 electronic lockers at two locations: Boermarkeweg and Oosterhesselen. Esdal College s a renowned educational institution in the Netherlands with a strong focus on innovative teaching methods and modern facilities.

Unique payment feature

The lockers are equipped with the advanced payment feature of KUARIOan all-in-one digital wallet application. This allows for easy and convenient rental of lockers to students. LoQit holds a banking license, enabling us to manage digital money, eliminating the need for expensive and error-prone payment terminals, providing numerous benefits for both users and administrators.

Some notable features of LoQit's digital payment function via KUARIO are:

Mechanical override

Another advantage of LoQit's delivered lockers is their equipped mechanical overrides. In case of a power outage, administrators can easily open the lockers, providing access to students and ensuring their personal belongings are always accessible.

esdal collega lockers

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Businesspark Friesland-West 27A, 8447 SL Heerenveen, +31 (0)512 20 40 40

More projects of LoQit

Kennemer Lyceum

Expansion for Kennemer Lyceum in Overveen

Voor het Kennemer Lyceum in Overeen hebben we in samenwerking met Oostwoud 260 extra elektronische lockers geplaatst. Uitgerust met het LoQit sluitsysteem, dat zowel voor de studenten als beheerders eenvoudig te bedienen is.
