Friesland College Heerenveen (NL)

A new assignment and this time one at LoQit in the backyard. In collaboration with Sonesto, we delivered 115 lockers with an electronic locking system from LoQit to Friesland College Heerenveen (NL)

Safe in use and management

How often does it happen that a pupil or student forgets a key, card or pin code? And no longer has access to his or her locker? That is a thing of the past at Friesland College in Heerenveen! The lockers are easy to operate thanks to the electronic locking system. The administrators can easily manage the lockers remotely. If a student can no longer access his or her locker for whatever reason, the administrator can easily open, block or release it remotely. The students can also arrange a lot themselves via the digital app. 

Locker Managent System

The Locker Management System has been specially designed to keep the manager's management burden as low as possible. As an administrator, you can arrange, group and configure the lockers yourself. You can configure locker groups or individual lockers differently. Think fixed or dynamic use of lockers. It is also possible to connect the locking system with other systems, such as a student tracking system. At that moment, the LoQit system acts as an underlying system, as it were. This makes it possible to send automatic emails to students about locker use. 

Digital app

Users can download the digital app in the App Store or in the Play StoreIn this app they can easily reserve or release a locker. To use the app, they scan the QR code in the locker wall and the app then opens automatically. Thanks to our multi-card reader, they can link all kinds of different cards to their account. In the future, they can use this card to open their locker. Handy for linking multiple passes, so that the user always has access to his or her locker.

friesland college lockers
friesland collega heerenveen lockers

More information?

Leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Businesspark Friesland-West 27A, 8447 SL Heerenveen, +31 (0)512 20 40 40

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