Battery locks vs. Wired locks for lockers

bekabelde sloten voor lockers

With LoQit's electronic locker system you provide your staff with a user-friendly and safe place to store personal items. Your employees no longer have to worry about their belongings and can fully concentrate on what is really important: their work as a healthcare professional.

Four ways smart lockers will transform your business

smart lockers bedrijf transformeren

Electronic lockers have become a must in smart work environments. Especially now that we are moving to more flexible working models such as hybrid working and flexible working. With LoQit's smart locking system you can continue to offer your employees a safe place to store personal items. An efficient and cost-effective solution that will transform your organization into a smart working environment.

Why upgrade to electronic lockers?

upgraden elektronische lockers

Does your organization still use traditional lockers with a key? Then now is the time to upgrade to an electronic locker system. It is a sustainable investment that will last for years and save costs in the long run. In addition, it offers many more advantages, which we would like to tell you more about.

Top 5 features of smart lockers in the office

features smart lockers op kantoor

Smart lockers op kantoor bieden veel meer dan alleen een veilige opbergplek. Het geeft medewerkers de vrijheid om overal te kunnen werken, waar en wanneer ze maar willen. Het verbetert de samenwerking onderling én de slimme lockeroplossing bespaart ook nog eens veel tijd voor beheerders. Een oplossing die precies bij de dynamische werkomgevingen van vandaag de dag passen.

Transforming work environment into smart work environment

slimme werkomgeving

Today, we want to be valued for our achievements and contributions, not for the number of hours we work. That means more freedom, flexibility and smart tools from the organization. So that employees can do what they are good at and perform optimally. This is all reflected in the new smart working environment: an environment that involves a lot of smart technology to respond to the needs of both the organization and employees.

Advantages of a smart locker system at the office

voordelen slim lockersysteem kantoor

More and more offices are switching from a traditional working method to a flexible way of working. Employees get flexible workplaces, offices are transformed into an open office landscape and activity-related working is becoming the new normal. And these developments go hand in hand with the use of smart technology, including a smart locker system for the office.
