More about the Locker Management System and KUARIO app

The LoQit electronic locking system is a safe and flexible total solution for lockers and/or vending systems. The system is characterized by the flexible and user-friendly facilities based on the self-management principle. The purpose of this is to unburden the administrator, by giving the user more independence. In this article, we will tell you exactly what this means and how this works.
SaaS: a flexible total solution for locking systems

A unique, innovative concept that responds to the optimal and flexible use of lockers: the SaaS solution, beter known as Software as a Service. This solution offers many advantages, and one of the biggest advantages is that you are completely unburdened in the field of ICT.
What are the advantages of an electronic locking system?

There are many ways to close off access to lockers and/or vending systems. Nowadays this happens often electronic and this offers many advantages. Which those are? You can read it in this article!