Scalda (NL)

Scalda (NL) is a school for secondary vocational education (MBO) and adult education. They offer a total of 17 different courses. From sports, exercise and dance to maritime and logistics. LoQit recently installed 120 new electronic lockers in collaboration with Sonesto electronic lockers to improve the facilities within the school. 

Lockers as a Service

Scalda uses the 'lockers as a service' option. A flexible, safe and cost-efficient solution for the storage and security of personal belongings. Lockers as a Service (LaaS) is a modern service model in which locker facilities are offered as a fully managed and outsourced service. Customers, such as educational institutions, therefore do not have to worry about purchasing, installing or maintaining lockers.

LoQit ensures that all systems are always up to date in terms of security and functionalities. Moreover, you can easily scale up and add functionalities.


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Businesspark Friesland-West 27A, 8447 SL Heerenveen, +31 (0)512 20 40 40

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Expansion for Kennemer Lyceum in Overveen

Voor het Kennemer Lyceum in Overeen hebben we in samenwerking met Oostwoud 260 extra elektronische lockers geplaatst. Uitgerust met het LoQit sluitsysteem, dat zowel voor de studenten als beheerders eenvoudig te bedienen is.

personeelslockers Muckleshoot casino

Staff lockers for Muckleshoot Casino

Het Muckleshoot Casino in Washington D.C. heeft een grote stap voorwaarts gezet in beveiliging en gemak door de implementatie van LoQit’s state-of-the-art elektronische sluitsysteem in 605 nieuwe personeelslockers. Deze systemen, die perfect integreren met de bestaande personeelspassen van het casino, zetten een nieuwe standaard in gebruiksgemak en veiligheid.
